These 3 Arguments DON'T Prove God Exists

In Today's video, we will be discussing 3 arguments that will never prove that God exists. First is the Cosmological argument. There are several objections to the Kalam Cosmological Argument that cast doubt on its validity. First, it assumes that everything that begins to exist has a cause, but this assumption may not hold at the subatomic level where particles can appear spontaneously out of nothing. This undermines the argument's claim that everything that begins to exist must have a cause. Even if we accept the first two premises, it does not necessarily follow that the cause of the universe is God. There could be other explanations, such as a natural cause or a multiverse hypothesis. The argument assumes that the cause of the universe is uncaused, eternal, and powerful, but it is not clear why this must be the case. The argument provides no evidence to support this assumption. Next, they use the fine-tuning argument. Scientists in relevant fields recognize the infeasible nature of this argument. First, it relies on the idea that only our universe can exist with the exact constants that we have now. In reality, we don't know what constants would be necessary for any type of universe to come into existence. Finally, they attempt to use NDE as evidence for God. There are several reasons why NDEs do not necessarily provide evidence for God's existence. NDEs are subjective experiences that vary greatly from person to person. While some people report encountering a religious figure or a divine presence, others do not report any religious or spiritual elements. This suggests that the experience is not necessarily tied to a particular religion or deity. NDEs can be explained by natural phenomena such as a lack of oxygen to the brain or the release of certain chemicals in the brain. While the exact cause of NDEs is still not fully understood, there is evidence to suggest that they are not necessarily supernatural or divine in nature. Even if we accept that NDEs are real experiences, they do not necessarily prove the existence of God. There could be other explanations, such as a collective unconscious or a manifestation of the brain's natural coping mechanisms. Finally, even if some people do report encountering a religious figure or a divine presence during an NDE, this does not necessarily mean that the experience is evidence of the existence of a specific religion or deity. It could simply be a manifestation of the person's own beliefs or cultural background. In conclusion, while NDEs can be fascinating and meaningful experiences for those who report them, they do not necessarily provide conclusive evidence for the existence of God or a particular deity. Original Video: Fine Tuning Information: ==================== Daily Bible Podcast: #atheism #christianity #atheist Subscribe to this channel: Join the Skeptic Mafia: Available Deals -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Get 15% off Ridge Wallets: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Merch -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download CHRESTUS: Get your "Citation Fucking Needed" Shirt: "got evidence?" shirt: "btw, evolution is a fact" shirt: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord Server:

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