ARTE Documentary: People of the Book I Jesus and Islam I ARTE Documentary

Teacher or professor: ARTE Documentary
Subject: Science
Content of the Lesson: The authors of Corpus Christi investigate the origins and genesis of Islam. In this second episode, we look at the term "the people of the Book" (which here refers to Jewish people) and the death of Jesus. Why is it unlikely that the Jews crucified Jesus?  In sura IV, verses 157 and 158, the Qur'an relates the crucifixion of Jesus in a very different way from the Christian tradition. Jesus is crucified there "in appearance". Would those who witnessed the scene have been the victims of an illusion? Has anyone else been crucified in his place? Did Jesus Really Die on the Cross? Jesus, the founding figure of Christianity, is also an exceptional character in the Qur'an. Why? How? 'Or' What ? Based on this question, Gérard Mordillat and Jérôme Prieur (Corpus Christi, The Origin of Christianity, The Apocalypse) are conducting a survey of twenty-six of the world's greatest specialists, including researchers of the Muslim tradition: historians of the beginnings of Islam, philologists, epigraphists, historians of Eastern Christianity, historians of rabbinical Judaism and specialists in the history of the Qur'an. The seven episodes take as their starting point a careful reading of all the terms of two verses of sura IV of the Qur'an, evoking in their own way the crucifixion of Jesus "in appearance", before gradually opening the discussion to all with questions posed by the text, in its theological, literary and historical dimensions. It is at the crossroads of the three monotheistic religions, in the continuity of the Judaism of Moses and of the Judeo-Christianity of Jesus, that this investigation seeks to reconstitute the emergence of Islam in a pagan region, that was, however, very marked by biblical influences and the proximity of the Syriac churches. Available until the 20/10/2022 ARTE Documentary is here to tell you more about what’s going on in the world of culture and current affairs with powerful, refreshing and entertaining docs subtitled in English for our international fans. Discover a whole world on ARTEdocumentary 💡 Want more from ARTE? Watch more of our programmes on ARTE in English 👉 Subscribe to our Youtube channel: You can also find us on: Facebook: Twitter: #Islam #Jesus #ARTEDocumentary

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