Praise I AM THAT I AM Is Literally Incoherent And Theologically Ignorant On Christianity

Teacher or professor: Godless Engineer
Subject: Science, Politics
Content of the Lesson: Today, Praise I AM THAT I AM shows that he is literally incoherent and theologically ignorant by reviewing my video and never addressing anything that I actually say. He also has Converse Contender on to review my video. Just like Praise I AM THAT I AM though he never actually addresses anything that I say. They even blame me for the restrictions that the Christians place on the video. They are reviewing a One Minute Apologist video that I did concerning the resurrection of Christ. They claim that I am inconsistent on a number of issues but I would say they are the ones being inconsistent and fallacious. Original Video: Subscribe to this channel: Join the Skeptic Mafia: Download CHRESTUS: Discord Server: Intro by "Gonna Go For it":

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