Bob the Science Guy: Andrew Wakefield | Medical Fraud Exposed

Teacher or professor: Bob the Science Guy
Subject: Science
Content of the Lesson: In the first of 3 episodes, we look at the fraud of the Wakefield Study suggesting a connection between the MMR, Gut Disease and Autism. Falsification of Data to meet the needs of a pending lawsuit against a vaccine manufacturer resulted in Wakefield losing his medical license in the UK, being condemned as 'dishonest, unethical and callous' by the UK General Medical Counsil. Please take a moment to like and subscribe to this channel Bob's Websites Check them OUT: My Playlist: Young Earth Creationism: Playing Chess with Pigeons (Individual flat earth debunks) North Woods Scientist (Interesting Science Videos) Anti-Vaxx Discussions with Dr. Bob

Click here to view video on YouTube.

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