ARTE Documentary: The Dreams of Henri Rousseau I ARTE TRIPS 360 VR

Teacher or professor: ARTE Documentary
Subject: Science
Content of the Lesson: Late afternoon in the greenhouse of the Jardin des Plantes in Paris. A curious visitor stays behind after the gardens close. But the place is haunted by the ghost of Henri Rousseau and the spectator tumbles suddenly into a dream peopled by the characters, animals and plants imagined by Henri Rousseau. Rousseau thrilled the art world with his naive and almost psychedelic visions of exotic jungles. The artist, who never left Paris, drew his inspiration from the city’s botanical gardens. Experience a magical night in a tropical greenhouse brought to life by the painter’s visions. Once the last visitors have left, the greenhouse reveals its secrets with the gradual emergence of a dream-like world of fantastic plants and imaginary animals.

Click here to view video on YouTube.

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