80's Catholic Church Sex Ed Video Radically Says "Virginity Is Cool"

Teacher or professor: Godless Engineer
Subject: Science, Politics
Content of the Lesson: Today we have a Skeptic Mafia Snippet about the Catholic Churches' sex education video from the 80s that claims "Virginity is Cool." It's amazingly hypocritical that the Catholic Church would produce this kind of video when they willingly hide and absolve priests of their sexual sins but have no problem guilt-tripping young kids into thinking they are bad or wrong for basic human urges. Full Podcast Here: https://youtu.be/hbSSKVvWzeo Join the Skeptic Mafia: http://JoinSkepticMafia.com Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5L3JwHiGp0 Subscribe to this channel: http://SubToGE.com Download CHRESTUS: https://chrest.us Discord Server: http://bit.ly/JoinGodlessDiscord Intro by "Gonna Go For it": https://goo.gl/1Ay1Q3

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