Lecturers Under Pressure | ARTE.tv Documentary

Eight months to go, and then Clémence will conclude her doctoral thesis in Art History and Archaeology at the University of Rennes 2, after seven and a half years of research. She supports herself through teaching assignments at the university, working at a museum, and receiving unemployment benefits. The doctoral student hopes for a future position as a research assistant. However, the underfunded universities have little to offer young researchers, but academia's future depends on them staying in the industry. Lecturers Under Pressure | ARTE.tv Documentary 🗓 Available until the 05/12/2023 ARTE.tv Documentary is here to tell you more about what’s going on in the world of culture, news and current affairs with powerful, refreshing and entertaining docs subtitled in English for our international fans. Discover a whole world on #ARTE.tv #academia #artetvdocumentary #lecturers

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