Bob and the Anti Vaxxer on the Shills

Last week, a science denier challenged me to a debate on Covid Vaccination. While there was some question the debate would take place, I showed up loaded for bear. My opponent came as an afterthought. Vaccine hesitancy was recently classified as one of the top 10 threats to public health by the W.H.O. and needs to be address. Watch as I take him apart. He will have a chance to return after preparing better next week. Bob's Websites Check them OUT: Bob the Science Guy: ResearchFlatMoon (the production channel): Slide Rules and Mathematics (STEM Education): Common Sense Science (Archive and Livestreams): Please consider becoming a Patreon of the Channel- All money donated through paypal or from the patreons goes directly into improvements in the channel (computers, cameras, lights etc) or to create educational videos (sextants, telescope equipment, etc). Bob

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