SciManDan: UK Media Personality Endangers Everyone!

Teacher or professor: SciManDan
Subject: Science
Content of the Lesson: A slightly different Tinfoil Tuesday today where UK media personality Katie Hopkins has some nonsensical views regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. I am exercising my right to respond, and let her know that she is talking claptrap! Here is Katie's original video: Remember the Podcast now has its own channel. Please do check it out here: Thank you all for watching. Here is my Patreon if you want to get involved with the polls etc: Dan's opinions shared in this video are supported by verified facts (whether scientific or general) and they should be treated as just that: opinions. All critique and humour are addressed to the words and actions of individuals and not to the individuals themselves, under the Act of Free Speech.

Click here to view video on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the video from Katie Hopkins has been removed, because it - of course - violates YouTube's terms and conditions.


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